"Velusamy, Vinodh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There seems to be a problem if the username/password contain the character Ä, 
> when trying to authenticate via freeradius.

  No, go back and read the output again:

> rad_recv: Access-Request packet from host, id=245, length=98
>         User-Name = 
> "\303\251\303\242\303\244\303\245\303\247\303\252\303\250\303\257\303\256\303\254\303\204\303\246\303\264\303\262\303\273"
>         User-Password = 
> "\222\023S~\345v\322\250\207\216\261\206\242J\301\301\251\006\233\026N\374\014\213\036c\022'\220\r\370\210"

  That's the real contents of the packet.  The '?' is printed simply
because it replaces a non-ASCII character.

  Are you sending the server UTF-8 strings in the User-Name?  What
client are you using?

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
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