When I call a perl module via rlm_perl and don’t undef %RAD_CHECK and %RAD_REPLY before exiting, rlm_perl duplicates some attributes contained within the hashes.  For instance:


At entry to rlm_perl instance:

$RAD_CHECK{‘Ldap-Group’} is an ARRAY: (GroupA, GroupB)


After exiting the script, “Added pair Ldap-Group…” messages appear in debug output.  If I call another perl script to dump the %RAD_CHECK hash, it shows:


$RAD_CHECK{‘Ldap-Group’ } is an ARRAY: (GroupA, GroupB, GroupA, GroupB)


If I “undef %RAD_CHECK” before exiting from the first perl module, the values are not duplicated.  I did some analysis of the sequence of events and I believe this is what’s happening:


- rlm_ldap creates the Ldap-Group attributes on the check list with operator T_OP_CMP_EQ during authorize (Ldap-Group is a checkItem in my ldap.attrmap)

- upon return from the perl script, rlm_perl calls pairmove to move the attributes from the RAD_CHECK, RAD_REPLY and RAD_PROXY_REPLY hashes back to the respective pairlist.

- pairmove adds attributes to the destination list for operator T_OP_CMP_EQ (takes default case) which creates duplicates


Is this expected behaviour of rlm_perl?  If so, can it be put on the “to do” list for rlm_perl documentation updates (or is it there already and I missed it)?  Also, this seems to imply that it’s not possible to change or remove, at least, some types of check or reply attributes from within rlm_perl?


Also, the wiki for rlm_perl states that it passes configuration pairs in %RAD_CONFIG.  I don’t believe this is true (the hash is empty and I checked the source for 1.1.2, 1.1.3 and the latest snapshot and it doesn’t create that hash).  Is this a feature that is “in the works” or is the wiki incorrect?


I can supply debug output, radiusd.conf and scripts if necessary..




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