Thank you....
As it turns out , there were a couple of little things wrong with the radius set up - SSL being the worst, but the chillispot wasn't set up correctly - and I assumed that it was cause it worked for the other server. That's what I get for now I am doing a little bit of clean up but should be good to go.
Thanks all..

Dennis Skinner wrote:

Michelle Manning wrote:
And - the log file in /usr/local/var/log/radius has nothing in it. I was
hoping that that would give me some clues.... will get either the debug output from running radiusd -X *or*
output in the log file.  Not both.

Also, if you want to know if iptables is running, ask it:

iptables -nL

man iptables

On CentOS/RedHat, you can stop iptables by doing this:

/etc/init.d/iptables stop

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