Alexander Serkin пишет:
Alan DeKok пишет:
Alexander Serkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
May be someone could give an advice how to debug the problem while the server will not be in production?

  Attach to it with gdb, and see what it's doing.

Got some debugs on this. The problem does not depend on solaris version - both 9 and 10 have the same effects. The effect rises up when the request is proxied to other server and this server does not answer:
After that the srings Walking/Waking rapidly appear during dead_time configured in proxy.conf and at the same time the process takes about 50% of CPU on slow netra 1120 (2x440MHz) and up to 99% on Netra-240 (1x1GHz). After dead_time we see:

Sorry not after dead_time. After (retry_delay*retry_count).

Sincerely Yours,
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