tzieleniewski wrote:
> Hi!
> I am trying to process Accounting request to radius but I get the following 
> error from sql module:
> rlm_sql (sql): Unsupported Acct-Status-Type = 15
> I have added the $INCLUDE dictionary.ser line to the dictionary file and the 
> dictionary.ser file contains the following records:
> VALUE Acct-Status-Type      Interim-Update   3         # RFC2866, acc_radius
> VALUE Acct-Status-Type      Failed          15         # RFC2866, acc_radius
> Why the rlm_sql doesn't see the Acct-Status-Type of the value 15?

  Because the source code to rlm_sql needs to be updated to support it.

  There have been ongoing discussions with the OpenSER developers about

  Alan DeKok.
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