You can close all open sessions by altering AcctStopTime:

UPDATE radacct SET  AcctStopTime='whatever' WHERE
AcctStopTime='1900-01-01 00:00:00'

Or you can just delete them all (probably better if you are charging
customers monthly and not by time online):

DELETE FROM radacct WHERE AcctStopTime='1900-01-01 00:00:00'

Freeradius might grumble a bit if you delete open sessions for current
users too, but it will go on. If you want to keep current open sessions
you should add something like - AND AcctStartTime<'2007-03-13
00:00:00' - at the end of SQL statements.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 13/3/2007, "satish patel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> piše:

>Tanks dear
>          But dear my problem is i am useing simultaneous-use with sql and it 
> is working fine but my problem is users connect with NAS ( cisco vpdn ) but 
> some user stuck in mssql database radacct tables means user connection error 
> or any other error users got disconnect and then they try for login i got 
> some log
>user already login   because in radacct table use AcctStopTime = 1/1/1900 
>thats why those user not able to login how can i automaticaly close this 
>session is there any attribute which is automaticaly clear idle session one 
>more thing i have set idle-timeout attributes but it's also not work ???  what 
>is the problem of users stuck in database thats why i want to change my 
>simultaneouse-use with checkrad script .... is it solve by checkrad 
>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: radwho lists online users according to radutmp
>checkrad doesn't use radwho. It "asks" NAS if user so and so is on
>port so and so with session ID so and so.
>In session you choose if looking for online users will be done in
>database or radutmp. checkrad will be called when online user is
>detecded if you put "cisco" as nastype. If you put "other" it won't.
>Ivan Kalik
>Kalik Informatika ISP
>Dana 12/3/2007, "satish patel"
> piše:
>>anyone help me please
>>I have many problem for simultaneous login user problem i have 
>>freeradius-11.0 with MSSQL with cisco VPDN configuration i dont know why 
>>simultaneous not working with checkrad script
>>can u explain me i have confusen in radwho and checkrad command so checkrad 
>>command use radwho output ????  and what is sql base simultenoues detection 
>>if i enable sql in /etc/radb/radius.conf  in session part
>>like :-
>>Session {
>>             # radtump
>>             sql
>>what is the radutmp  and sql  if i use radutmp then checkrad call by radius 
>>or not i have confuseion in checkrad     and    sql   base simultenous use 
>>can u explain me
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