Josh Shamir wrote:
> The strange problem is that the long authentication time are about the
> same for Win XP build-in supplicant and MAC OS X supplicant. What kind
> of changes can i made in supplicant configuration to try to minimize
> authentication time?

  I don't know.

> Ok, but could I improve the system performance setting up in
> appropriate way those attribute :
> retry_delay
> dead_time
> retry_count


  Read the extended debug log (-xX).  Odds are that the successful
authentications take 1-2 seconds from start to finish.  If that's true,
then everything would seem to be working properly.  Look at the
unsuccessful authentications.  If they go on for 1-2 seconds and then
stop, then they're mostly working correctly, too.

  The problem may be in the AP, or in the radio spectrum.  Try a
different AP.

  Alan DeKok.
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