On Fri, 2007-07-06 at 14:14 +0800, Jacob Jarick wrote:
> Im after some documentation on setting up host authentication on
> freeradius (or an example config).
> This url here looks like what I need
> http://support.novell.com/docs/Tids/Solutions/10100693.html but their
> instructions are pretty lousy "For machine-based authentication or

Recent versions of the server have the code in rlm_mschap to do the
attribute rewriting for you. The important thing is to use the
%{mschap:User-Name} expansion anywhere you'd use User-Name. I note this
is not the used in the default commented configs and in many examples.

Using a recent version of the server and ignore the Novell instructions,
just using the FR wiki document you link, what error do you get when a
machine authentication is attempted?

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