Hello Alan,

Yes, I know that this kind of log is put in /var/log/radius/radius.log. The problem is that they are not been logged there. It's a configuration in radiusd.conf? I could not find this... Can you tell me what tag?

Alan DeKok escreveu:
Nataniel Klug wrote:
I have configured my FreeRadius server to auth my clients over a MySQL table. The problem is that I do not have any more logs (like wrong login attempts). The detailed log is been done into a MySQL table named radacct (and works fine to bloqs simultaneous use) but the problem is that I cant see anymore why a login attempt gets rejected.

    Can someone tell me where to look?

  The logs are put in the file "radius.log", not in SQL.  See radiusd.conf.

  Alan DeKok.
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