On 9/18/07, Massimiliano Macrì <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm trying to close the connection of a pre-paid mobile user, after he
> reached a limited amount of traffic (ie. 100 megabytes), the network
> device is a Cisco router.
> I've found may way to rate-limit the traffic bandwidth but not one to do
> this.
> Is radius the correct way to achieve this goal? It'all about vsa?

Radius isn't supposed to terminate anything on its own, it just takes
note of a user session history and validates logins.
What you should do is to find some way of telling Cisco that a
particular session is to be disconnected when a certain limit is
reached. If your Cisco can output real time stats AND can accept
external disconnection commands, then it might be possible to
implement what you want.
But honestly this process should be implemented completely inside the
Cisco, and then, when a disconnect triggers, your Cisco should tell
Radius about it. The opposite isn't bound to happen.

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