Hi Guys

It would seem as if the rlm_python does not provide the returned attributes from the proxy, this happens in both a patched version of 1.1.7 and 2.0.0.

def postproxy(params):
   log.log('RLM_PYTHON: handling Post Proxy request...', log.VERBOSE)
   returnval = send_message('postproxy', params, False)
   return lib.radiusd.RLM_MODULE_OK

+- entering group post-proxy
2008-01-14T13:14:09.412107: Verbose: RLM_PYTHON: handling Post Proxy request...
(('Framed-Protocol', 'PPP'),
('User-Name', '"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"'),
('User-Password', '"xxxxx"'),
('Service-Type', 'Framed-User'),
('NAS-IP-Address', '118.xx.xx.xx'),
('Realm', '"dsl.*"'),
++[python] returns ok

Command line test:
Sending Access-Request of id 39 to port 1812
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
       User-Name = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
       User-Password = "xxxxx"
       Service-Type = Framed-User
       NAS-IP-Address = 118.xx.xx.xx
rad_recv: Access-Accept packet from host port 1812, id=39, length=44
       Port-Limit = 1
       Framed-Protocol = PPP
       Service-Type = Framed-User
       Framed-IP-Address = 118.xx.xx.21

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