hi to all.
created the certificates with the default config files in FR 2.0.1 with

created the client certificate with
make client

the import of the ca.pem and server.crt in winxp is OK.
they link with each-other ok ( ca->server )

the import of client.p12 is ok but it doesnt have a valid link
it is ca->server->client
and the details of the server certificate tells that "is not authorized to
issue certificates" .
the client certificates tells that is issued by the server not by the ca.

the question is :
the client certificate should be issued by the server or by the ca?

if its to be issued by the ca then the Makefile in cert dirs have to be

in fact after modified the Makefile and client.cnf and re-importing them in
then the linkage is ok.  ( ca->client )

is this a prob ? or what ?
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