Phil Mayers wrote:
> I've never had cause to look at it before, but I discovered today that
> accouting doesn't support huntgroups; specifically, an attempt to match
> on Huntgroup-Name in acct_users
> Is this expected?

  The "preprocess" module doesn't do huntgroups for accounting requests.
 This should be relatively easy to fix.

> How does one normally specify Acct-Type based on a
> huntgroup, if (say) the Class attribute is already being used?

  In 2.0, much of the huntgroup functionality can be done with a little
bit of magic:

 client foo {
        ipaddr =
        secret = x
        huntgroup = foo # invent ANYTHING here! foo = bar, x = y, etc.

  Then in unlang:

        if ("%{client:huntgroup}" == "foo") {

  i.e. you can use the configuration files to add arbitrary "tags" to a
client, and then check them at run time.

  Alan DeKok.
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