In mac authentication mac address is used as username. So you will have
to create entries that have (only) username equal to mac address and
radiusAuthType Accept.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

Dana 19/3/2008, "Eric Martell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> piše:

>Please let me know if this topic is already discussed
>or has doc/wiki. If yes please guide me to the right
>thread. Thanks.
>We are going to use MACaddress as silent
>authentication. When the users tries to connect to the
>WIFI Access point, Aptilo Networks is going to send
>MacAddress as User-Name attribute of freeradius.
>User-Password attribute will be empty.
>We are storing MAC Addresses in the LDAP under the
>device tree thru user interface tools. The LDAP tree
>is as,
>deviceid = 111
>macaddress = 001122334455
>devicename = Personal PC.
>deviceid = 222
>macaddress = 001199887766
>devicename = SIP Phone.
>How do I configure ldap module in the freeradius so
>that it checks if the MACaddress exists in LDAP and
>returns Access-Accept or Access-Reject along with
>reply of devicename.
>Not sure how do I handle this in authorization or
>authentication or post-auth? There are NO passwords.
>I am using freeradius-2.0.2. Is there a way I can use
>"unlang" ?
>Thanks and Regards.
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