On Fri, Aug 08, 2008 at 03:29:15AM -0300, Alexandre J. Correa - Onda Internet 
Hello !!

Based on 'Pure PHP radius class' (http://developer.sysco.ch/php/) i´m trying to implement "disconnect-packet" like this command:

echo "User-Name := xxxxxx" | radclient -x 111.222.333.444 disconnect <secret>

freeradius recognizes that packet are "disconnect-request" but i think checksum of packet are incorrect, can someone look and try to discover the error ?!

PoD need to be signed, like Accounting-Request. You can't just send them, like an Access-Request. For more details, see the radius RFCs. I don't see any sign of that code in the PHP class.

attached class, my changes are commented with //AlexandrE

thanks !!!


Alexandre Jeronimo Correa

Onda Internet - http://www.ondainternet.com.br
OPinguim Hosting - http://www.opinguim.net

Linux User ID #142329

UNOTEL S/A - http://www.unotel.com.br

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