On Oct 6, 2008, at 01:07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


No question about that.  I read about all the new authentication
features and its amazing how anyone can keep up with all that stuff.
However, if converting my modules is going to be a big deal, I don't see
any real advantage.

it 'it works for me, i cant see why I should upgrade' is your viewpoint,
then fair enough. keep with 1.x  - but dont expect support for
it on this list for much longer ; *that* is the gotcha.

Thats not that big a deal as for the basic stuff, the code is quite straight forward. However, the bigger issue is for modules. The wiki page is still completely oriented towards version 1 as I have never tried version 2. What has to be changed with modules to use them with version 2? I suspect that the wiki page will quickly lose its value otherwise.
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