>I would like to add a very simple user with only a Cleartext-Password to
>the users file (this is strictly a FreeRADIUS user and in the interest
>of security shouldn't be in LDAP).  I would like both the users file and
>LDAP to be queried for users, with a query falling through to the next
>source if a particular user is not found.  In other words, I would like
>to be able to use *both* a users file *and* LDAP for auth.
>I've added the following at the top of the users file, which has not
>been modified otherwise from the sample that ships with 2.0.3.
>someuser       Cleartext-Password := "somepassword"

Post the debug (radiusd -X).

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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