Hi !

I would like to use the counter module (not the sql_counter module) of FreeRadius 2.0.5 and I have questions about it :

1 - If it's possible, how can I display the value of a counter into the reply message ?

2 - I have created a counter based on the Acct-Output-Octets, so when a user reached the threshold, the Reply-Message is remplaced by :
"Your maximum daily usage time has been reached".
I would like to modify it depending on the threshold reached (I will place 2 or 3 differents counters) because it's in English, I display this Reply-Message on my error page and because the threshold is not depending on time :)
Is it possible and how can I do it ?

Thank you for your help


Romain Mercier

Université d'Angers
Service Systèmes et Réseaux

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