>In my users I have
>DEFAULT LDAP-Group == foo
>However, even with these configuration options set, anyone with a valid login 
>and password can authenticate right now.  In my "radiusd -X" I see:
>rlm_ldap: performing search in dc=blah, with filter (&(cn=foo)(memberUid=test))
>rlm_ldap: object not found or got ambiguous search result
>But it then goes on the authenticate the user anyhow:
>rlm_ldap: user test authorized to use remote access
>I looked around on Google, and I see -lots- of stuff about configuring LDAP 
>group checks, but I haven't found anything that's all too helpful right now.  
>Is there some option that I have to set to tell the system to ignore a user 
>that's not in the proper group?


DEFAULT   Auth-Type := Reject

at the end of the users file. If none of the groups match user will be
rejected even with the correct password.

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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