
I have a problem =/

I create this Querys:

INSERT INTO radcheck(UserName, Attribute, op, Value)
VALUES('cliente1', 'MD5-Password', ':=', MD5('projecto08'));

INSERT INTO radgroupcheck (groupname, attribute, op, value) VALUES
('sessaounica', 'Simultaneous-Use', ':=', 1);

INSERT INTO usergroup (username, groupname) VALUES

But two different clients (PCs) whit the same pair user/password can do
success login. =/

What i have done wrong ?

I want that only one client have access to the network. And if one client
are logged, another user with same pair user/pass don't have access until
the user logged do the logoff.

Very thanks for your pacience,

Best Regards,

Diogo Teixeira
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