Hi all,


For a few years now, I use a freeradius/mysql server for the authentication
of users which logon with their dsl line. This always went perfect till I
tried to upgrade the machine from debian etch to debian lenny. The
freeradius version went from 1.1.3 to 2.0.4. When I upgraded user couldn't
login anymore. I put on the debugging and saw an empty expand which looks


rlm_sql (sql): User found in radcheck table

        expand: SELECT id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE
Username = '%{SQL-User-Name}' ORDER BY id -> SELECT
id,UserName,Attribute,Value,op FROM radreply WHERE Username ='dsluser' ORDER
BY id

        expand: SELECT GroupName FROM usergroup WHERE
UserName='%{SQL-User-Name}' -> SELECT GroupName FROM usergroup WHERE

        expand:  ->


After that is see the message:


rlm_sql (sql): Error generating query; rejecting user

rlm_sql (sql): Error processing groups; rejecting user

rlm_sql (sql): Released sql socket id: 62

++[sql] returns fail


I didn't change anything in the config file which we used on the 1.1.3
version of freeradius. I guess something goes wrong with the empty expand
message in debug mode. 


While searching for this error I found something about the groupchecktable
which we never used. In the config this option is marked out:


#groupcheck_table = "radgroupcheck"


And in the database is no table called radgroupcheck because I never used


So because of that there's  no query at the "Authorization Queries" section
related to the groupcheck (authorize_group_reply_query)


How can I get my freeradius working again and simply don't let it do a thing
with the groupcheck (which I guess is the problem of the empty expand  which
I see in debug mode)


Met vriendelijke groet,


Frank van den Diepstraten | system / networkengineer | Concepts ICT T +31
(0)76 522 15 55 | F +31 (0)76 531 05 31 St. Ignatiusstraat 265

4817 KK Breda, The Netherlands

 <http://www.concepts-ict.nl> www.concepts-ict.nl



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