Matias <> writes:

> Thanks!. Now everything seems much clear for me. I think my problem is this:

BTW, I was looking over the Debian bug report ( )
regarding this issue a few days ago, just to see if there was any news.
As many other Debian users, I am worrying that we may be heading for yet
another stable Debian release without EAP-support in FreeRADIUS...

Alan DeKok posted this very promising report of the re-licensing work he
had been doing in January:

And I was wondering: Has there been any updates wrt this?  Is the
bankrupt copyright owner a problem?  Is there any hope getting the
necessary files relicensed in time for the Debian squeeze freeze?  It
would certainly help Debian users a lot.

If I understand Alan's post correctly, the license issue was
unintentional in the first place.  If that is correct, then it is too
bad that it keeps a number of users from using the code (yes, there is
nothing preventing them from building FreeRADIUS themselves, but most
users won't do that)

If there is someone not knowing the problem, then reading is recommended.


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