At 05:27 PM 12/3/2009, Alan Buxey wrote:
note, there are other packages should you need eg SQL support

Not if you're not using SQL support (which I'm not). You'd them also need a lot of instructions on setting up SQL :-)

you didnt note if you were SELinux enabled and any issues that
might befall that -

For my own doc purposes that's covered in the Linux guide we use to set up systems, but I'll add a note here.

I'm also not sure ....but does the freeradiusd2
package automatically put the right firewall holes into place too
(if not you'd need to add UDP 1812,1813 and 1814 to the incoming
rule chain....)

no it does not. FYI I believe 1813 is actually TCP (empirically working through my firewalls that way). 1814 only necessary if you're using proxy I think.


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