
> i'm trying to solve this problem in six months

surely you've played with the right number of variables?

> this is my configuration

hordses for courses - i could tell you my variables
but then....well, they might not be appropriate for you.

FWIW, if you get problems with MySQL then it wont be your thread
issue - it'll be how slow and wrong your DB is!

> thread pool {
> start_servers = 10
> max_servers = 32
> min_spare_servers = 3
> max_spare_servers = 10
> max_requests_per_server = 0
> }

I have 64 start_servers, 64 max_servers, 64 spare servers - and the appropriate 
values in the perl modukle - but, i will say this again - it doesnt matter how
many servers you clone and have available - your error message is coming from 
SQL being too slow to respond - and if you chuck more servers at it, then it'll
get even worse!!!!

i cannot say this enough it seems . fix why your SQL is slow - or adjust the way
you use the SQL.  have you got the correct indexes? have you got too many 
are you usign mysql? if so, are you using naff default MyISAM or have you moved 
a better method - eg InnoDB?

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