Klaus Laus wrote:
> I *only* want to know all the time if it´s possible to login on a client with 
> user/userpassword and client certificate. I pleased you *only* to say *no* or 
> *yes* and maybe one sentence more.
> I know you´re a freeradius expert not a M$ expert but I thought when you know 
> how to set up a server you just know how to configure any clients.
> When you don´t want to answer me that question it´s ok, I can search on M$ 
> websites, you´re right. But I think if you wanted you could simply answer my 
> question.

  Honestly, I haven't configured a Windows system for EAP in 3-4 years.

  And my frustration wasn't about asking a Microsoft question.  It's
that you were *hiding* information.  The information you hid from us was
*exactly* the information needed to solve the problem.

  That was not nice.

  Alan DeKok.
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