Cameron Wood wrote:
> Hi
>  I am trying to find a list of the criteria you can use in the users
> file on the match line, I came across a lengthy list/table earlier but
> can't seem to find it again.

  $ man users ?

> I have looked at the attributes RFC, but I'm looking more for something
> that will list things like Group-Name, Auth-Type, and more importantly
> the other possible criteria I can include there.

  That isn't documented, unfortunately.  We welcome additional
documentation, however.

> One of the things I am curious to see is if there is a Vendor-ID
> attribute, does anyone know if there is?

  I have no idea what that means.

  The server comes with many vendor-specific dictionaries.  You can read
them to find out which VSAs are defined.

  Alan DeKok.
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