David Dumortier wrote:
> If it had worked I woundn't have post here.

  OK... so the documentation which works for everyone else doesn't work
for you.

  Or, based on the debug output you posted, you didn't follow the

>>   See also http://deployingradius.com/.  It includes instructions on
>> configuring Active Directory.
> I read this documentation too (I read about 150 post/doc/howto without
> success).

  That page is simple, and contains a series of simple steps.  You don't
need 150 other posts.  You just need to follow the docs, and do it step
by step.  At some point, either a step will not work, and you will be
able to see why.  Or, all of the steps will work, and you will see that
you *previously* didn't follow them.

>>> I attach my debug output
>>   You're running 2.0.4.  I suggest upgrading to 2.1.10.
> I'm on Debian/lenny, I will stay on lenny.

  That's your choice.  But... not our recommendation.

  Alan DeKok.
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