On 16/03/11 12:44, Suman Dash wrote:
  I am looking forward for a short example on how to store a SQL query
to a variable which can be used in next condition in UNLANG.

I have no knowledge of unlang but i got a fair amount of idea with the
condition checks , just need a little insight on the result stores .

FreeRadius comes with several "Tmp-X" variables defined (see dictionary.freeradius.internal) or you can define your own.


authorize {
 update request {
   Tmp-Integer-0 := "%{sql: ...}"
 update request {
   Tmp-Integer-1 := "%{sql: ...}"
 update reply {
   Session-Timeout := "%{expr:%{Tmp-Integer-0} - %{Tmp-Integer-1}}"


Or do the maths in the SQL query itself.
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