On 19/05/2011 21:00, Garber, Neal wrote:
I found a similar user in an old thread who submitted a patch:
And it appears that this patch made it into the rlm_mschap.c module code:

I submitted that patch and it was included in FR v1.  Unfortunately,
a change in v2 regressed this functionality. In v2, there's now an additional 
round trip, so the ntlm_auth results need to be saved - they
are saved, in the current version, for success; but, not for failure.
I submitted another patch for v2 last year that saves the ntlm_auth
results for failures as well; but, it required rework (Alan wanted it
split into two separate patches) and I haven't had a chance to rework
it yet.  Other, really nice mschap patches have been submitted
since then (thank you Phil), so the rework, for me, is now a bit more.

Note that needing the results saved is probably because you want to do something with the information in post-auth.

John, if you just want to log the information you can do something like [in the inner-tunnel file]:

authenticate {
        Auth-Type MS-CHAP {
                mschap {
                        reject = 1
                if (reject) {

The linelog module (or any other module you want to use e.g. SQL) can log to a file or syslog or somethingelse at this point. The information you want will be in the %{Module-Failure-Message} and %{reply:MS-CHAP-Error} attributes.

We use linelog extensively to syslog to a file and then have a webpage that does the equivalent of tail the file and refresh routinely - very easy for the help desk staff to see what is going on without needing to ssh to anything.


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