Phil Mayers <> wrote:
>> Not as easy as it sounds ;-) 12 radius pairs (singe server with the 
>> same config) at 10 locations, 3 ldap server at 3 different locations 
>> For countervail lost of one or two locations, loadbalancing will be 
>> very complex.
If the three sites have an IGP running between them (OSPF, EIGRP, iBGP, 
ISIS, whatever) then you can anycast the ldap servers.  No single point 
of failure and cheap to do.


It does not have a LDAP example, but you can trivially take the RADIUS 
or DNS probe and modify it to use ldapsearch.

> Sure.
> People are looking into better LDAP failover in "redundant {}" stanzas. 
> LDAP-Group is a bit harder though.
A quick hack would be to use rlm_exec if you do not have have a high 
RADIUS packet rate, the alternative would be rlm_perl/rlm_python.  I'm 
happy to put something like this together as we could benefit from it.

I envision it working by in the users file you fill up an attribute 
(say, 'Foobar-Ldap-Group') with the group checks you want to make and an 
Accept[1].  The module would check for the presence of the attribute, 
and Ldap-User-Dn (if not, be a noop) and flip the Accept to Reject if 
things do not work out.

Another ways would be to pass an LDAP filter from user/unlang in a 
similar manner (multi-value attribute that's concatinated).

It would at least take the presure off needing LDAP-Group to be 
redundant today.


[1] for use, we have typically use the following type of thing (or it's 
                inverse with a follow through clause):
        Huntgroup == foo, Ldap-Group == cheesy, Auth-Type := Accept
        Huntgroup == foo, Ldap-Group == chips, Auth-Type := Accept
        Huntgroup == foo, Auth-Type := Reject

Alexander Clouter
.sigmonster says: Don't compare floating point numbers solely for equality.

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