
On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 21:09:31 +0100, Alan Buxey <a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk> 
> however, as Alan said. in single thread mode, you only have one process
> dealing with
> requests.....so one single open connection to SQL, one single sesion to
> LDAP etc etc
> (whatever you use) - eg even a local file with PERL.
> with multithread mode, you have many threads - all of which can be
> your SQL or LDAP
> at same time...or trying to write to the same file in a PERL
> you have to look
> at the speed/ability of your backend....the jump from a single query ata
> time to concurrent
> queries may have tipped your balance
> alan
> -
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Here is what I had thought about: FreeRadius correctly treats the requests
(answer are always received), but there is a locking problem with the log
files, meaning that basically, only one thread can write inside.

Is there any solution about that? As stated before, there is no
overloading problem on the server.

Running in single thread could be a solution, but it's really slow
compared to multi-thread ...


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