On 31/10/11 15:32, Sergio NNX wrote:
Thank you all for your help. I added two more listen blocks in
radiusd.conf and I updated detail { ... with the following:
%{%{Packet-Src-IP-Address}:-%{Packet-Src-IPv6-Address}} and it works but
..... (there's always a but). if we use an IPv6 address, then
Packet-Src-APv6-Address value will be, for instance, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0,
and the path becomes :


but FR crashes since it cannot create a folder with that name. Is there
any way of overcoming this issue? replace : with . or so???

Really? Which OS?

There's no built-in xlat that allows you to do a substitute; you'll have to use rlm_perl or rlm_python, or an exec script, to translate the name.
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