On Wed, Dec 14, 2011 at 3:34 PM, tolik_shavlov...@mail.ru
<tolik_shavlov...@mail.ru> wrote:
> Hi Fajar,
> i made everything from:
> - enable sql in accounting section of sites-available/default
> - enable sql in session section of sites-available/default (and
> sites-available/inner-tunnel, if you use EAP)
> - uncomment simul_count_query in sql /*/ dialup.conf
> but it doesn't work((

What does the debug log say? DId you still have Simultaneous-Use := 1
in radcheck for that user?

Your last debug log doesn't mention anything about sql in session
section. It should have something like this:

# Executing section session from file /etc/freeradius/sites-enabled/default
+- entering group session {...}
[sql]   expand: %{User-Name} -> testuser
[sql] sql_set_user escaped user --> 'testuser'
[sql]   expand: SELECT COUNT(*)                              #FROM
radacct                              #WHERE username =
'%{SQL-User-Name}'                              #AND acctstoptime IS
NULL -> SELECT COUNT(*)                              #FROM radacct
                         #WHERE username = 'testuser'
            #AND acctstoptime IS NULL

... and so on

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