On Fri, Mar 29, 2013 at 7:13 PM, Mehdi Ravanbakhsh <baba...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi ALL
> I need to allow all user to be connected even if user not define in
> database .
Short version:

However if you use Windows clients and EAP then the answer would usually be
NO, you can't.

But if user not define it should get some  specified replay atribute .
That's a bit tricky. My best suggestion (untested) would probably be "man
unlang", and look for "notfound".

If you tell more about what you're actually trying to do, then others will
be able to help you more.

For example, a common use for this would be for a public access point (e.g.
using chillispot and friends), when you want "guest" user to have limited
access (e.g. lower bandwidth, limited data transfer). But if that were the
case, I can tell you right now that the best way to implement what you want
is NOT by performing the catch-all in radius side, but rather in
whatever-welcome-page you're using (e.g. by using a customized chillispot's
"login.php" that can create users in FR's db).

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