We're experimenting with freeradius for authenticating users in a custom application. It was straightforward to get this authenticating against the OS:

DEFAULT  Auth-Type = System

But what we want to do is maintain a list of usernames and crypt passwords in an external file, separate to the operating system users. The rlm_passwd module should do what we want but I'm having some trouble getting it to work.

In the radiusd.conf modules section I have:

       passwd our_passwd {
               filename = /tmp/testpwd
               format = "*User-Name:Crypt-Password"
               hashsize = 100
               ignorenislike = no
               allowmultiplekeys = no

In sites-enabled/default I added "our_passwd" to the authorize section.

I think that part is essentially working and on my random walks running freeradius -X it looks like it is reading our passwd file okay. The thing I do not understand is what to put as the Auth-Type in the users file in order to authenticate against our file rather than against the OS?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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