On 16 Sep 2013, at 16:08, Alan DeKok <al...@deployingradius.com> wrote:

> a.l.m.bu...@lboro.ac.uk wrote:
>> ..so many new features... thought 3.x was where the new features and dev 
>> work was going into ;-)
>  Well, yes.  2.2.1 has a lot of tiny features that are minor code
> changes.  v3 is nearly everything re-written or updated.  Those
> re-writes allow the addition of major new features.
>  Oh, and v3 is *smaller* than v2, even with the new features.  Not by a
> lot, but it's definitely smaller.  That means (long term) fewer bugs,
> and more stability.

It's more consistent, and has pretty colours too, ooo look at the pretty 

>> PS has anyone tested it with MariaDB? Wondering if its 100% drop-in 
>> compatible?
>  It's 100% drop-in compatible from what I've seen.

RE the death of MySQL:

Arran Cudbard-Bell <a.cudba...@freeradius.org>
FreeRADIUS Development Team

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