Hi there,

On Sat, Nov 01, 2014 at 09:46:39AM -0400, Marc-André Moreau wrote:
> RDP has no message to notify multiple connected clients of cursor movements, 
> as
> cursor movements are driven by the client, not the other way around. This
> means that even if the cursor image itself can be remoted, the server
> cannot tell the client to draw it at a specific position.
I think there are messages from server to
client to set pointer position (and also other pointer related
properties like shape of course): Server Pointer Update PDU (TS_POINTER_PDU)

and the fast path version Server Fast-Path Update PDU (TS_FP_UPDATE_PDU) Fast-Path Pointer Position Update

Wouldn't that exactly be the right solution for the shadowing server?
Like if the server receives a TS_FP_POINTER_EVENT (or similar) from one
client or a local mouse move event it could send a TS_FP_UPDATE_PDU to
all the (other) connected clients.

This would of course only make sense for one cursor (so no multi cursor
solutions) and would require the server to send the cursor shape to the client
with a pointer/pointer new message instead of rendering it server side.

Best regards,

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