Hi Herb,

On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 10:05:30PM +0000, Herb Petschauer wrote:
> Apologies for potentially re-hashing this by replying to an old post.
no problem. We planned to send out an update this week anyway. So I'll
just take your mail as opportunity to do so.

> (Perhaps I am missing an obvious page on github or some other public resource 
> that I am unaware of).
There are multiple issues regarding this in our issue tracker.
The most recent (and updated) is https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues/2839.

First, let me do a little explaining. FreeRDP is, since its
rewrite with 1.0, rather customer and project driven. A lot of the current code 
base is
the result of contract work or was written as part of a project and open
sourced afterwards. This is why there wasn't much focus on fixed
API/ABI or doing release.  
But today FreeRDP is used as base in misc products, is found in thin clients
and multiple other places. This definitely places different
requirements on the project (like "improving" the release management :).
Unfortunately, although it's widely distributed and commonly used,
there currently aren't many outside contributors or contributions.
Under the line we are only a few people that actively develop.
Because the protocol is quite complex and the code base is already
quite big simple bug fixing often takes for ages (as it also often
requires to get the complete environment set up and prepared
- think of load balancing, gateways,..).
Nevertheless we managed to do a lot of hardening and improvements during
the last year.

If you follow the git commits you might have seen that there was already
work done towards a new release. Library cleanups, .pc files, cmake modules, to
name some structural changes. In order to get rid of the library mess - there 
major API changes between 1.0 and 1.1 which made it really hard for
packagers - there won't be any version 1.1+ and the next release will be 2.0.
To have a clean cut all previously exported libraries were already
pumped to version 2.0.

I can't give an exact time line but sometime around July we'll do an
API freeze. After that we'll work towards an 2.0-rc1

> We’re using FreeRDP on Windows and we’re currently using version 1.0.2.
> Moving forward, is there a plan to announce/release/tag a stable version of 
> 1.2
> OR is there a recommended commit on master that we should be using to get the 
> more secure/hardened version of FreeRDP?
To cut the long story short. I'd recommend to use the current master.
From the API point of view there might be some cleanups and GDI related
changes. But there won't be many new features and mainly fixes.

Best regards,

PS: https://github.com/FreeRDP/FreeRDP/issues - bug fix contributions are very
welcome ;)

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