Hi again...
After trying 5 times with different cheatcodes and 1
time with only "set freesbie.wm=xfce" (and just after
entering the desktop, clicking the shutdown button on
the left side of the bar), appears the following:

**(xfce4-session:1450):WARNING**:Failed to perform
shutdown action!
unsetenv:not found
unsetenv:not found
Agent pid1442 killed
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: SIGHUP received:restarting...
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: initial effective uid/gid was
xscreensaver: 16:18:03: running as
xscreensaver: couldn't get password of "freesbie"
xscreensaver: couldn't get password of "root"
The application 'xfce-mcs-manager' lostlist connection
for the display:0.0;
most likely the x server was shutdown or you
killed/destroyed the application.
waiting the x server to shutdown x connection to: 0.0
broken(explicit kill or server shutdown)

........[some useful tip is located in this

freesbie is connected to ttyv0 as local ...(sorry for
the poor translation, real words are in spanish)

And the PC doesn't shotdown. So what I do is typing
"shutdown -p now" to shutdown manually.
I hope this helps. Bye friends.

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