hi Sarah-

i'll try my hand at what you want to do below:

I have a question about creating scripts for TkSurfer. I really know next to nothing about scripts in general so these are rather basic questions. There seems to be a lot of scripting commands for TkMedit but not for TkSurfer. Is there a general list of the basic commands?
there is, just type:
on the command line

Open a subject
Load a surface (inflated and pial)

tksurfer subject rh inflated
tksurfer subject rh pial
#see below for how to define tcl script to tksurfer, but you can also type
#the following in the tksurfer tcl prompt:

Display the color bar

set colscalebarflag 1

in a for loop

set filelist "file1.w file2.w"
set layr 0
foreach i $filelist {

  Overlay a .w file      Redraw the image

set val $i
sclv_read_binary_values $layr

#maybe you want to also set thresholds for the overlay
#and change the lighting model
set fthresh 1.3
set fslope 1
set fmid 2
do_lighting_model 0.4 0.0 0.6 0.2 0.4;

  Save as a .rgb image

set filestem "$sbjdir/rgb/${hemi}.$i"
puts "Taking Snapshots to $filestem";
setfile rgb "${filestem}_lat.rgb";
puts $rgb;
rotate_brain_x 90;
setfile rgb "${filestem}_inf.rgb";
puts $rgb;
rotate_brain_y 180;
setfile rgb "${filestem}_med.rgb";
puts $rgb;
incr layr
#you can load up to 8 or 9 layers(overlays) in tksurfer
#if you have more, tksurfer won't like you and will quit.
#alternatively, you can just not increment the layr (above)
#and keep loading in layer 0

end loop


Is this all done in a csh script? And then how do I run the script?

it's all in tcl. a quick way to learn is TclTutor:

you define the .tcl script for tksurfer on the command line

foreach s ($SUBJECTS)
  foreach h (rh lh)
tksurfer $s $h inflated -tcl load_ovrly_and_snaps.tcl
tksurfer $s $h pial -tcl load_ovrly_and_snaps.tcl

i hope this helps.

good luck,
brian t. quinn

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