
The specified output filename needs to have .mgz at the end.  In your
case, it would be:


I noticed that $SUBJECTS_DIR/SM2C1_autoreconall/mri/orig/002 is a
directory, which might be the source of the segfault (which, of course,
shouldn't happen, and I will investigate this).

So adding .mgz to your output file should work (I just tried it myself
with your specified dicom file and it worked).


On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 12:42 -0400, Margaret Duff wrote:
> Hi,  Is mri_convert setup yet to convert to mgz format?  I have been 
> trying it in both the std and dev environment from dicom format and spm 
> format and i keep getting a segmentation fault.  it still converts to cor 
> format fine but i thought we were trying to get away from that.  i dont 
> know exactly whats 
> causing it, but here is my command line and the running information.
> troy:mduff[84] mri_convert -ot mgz -it dicom 33749275 
> $SUBJECTS_DIR/SM2C1_autoreconall/mri/orig/002
> mri_convert -ot mgz -it dicom 33749275 
> /space/troy/1/users/FREESURFER/SM2C1_autoreconall/mri/orig/002
> reading from 33749275...
> Getting Series No
> Scanning Directory
> INFO: Found 131 files in 
> /autofs/space/troy_002/users/fmridata/sm2c1_041118/3danat/dicom/028
> INFO: Scanning for Series Number 28
> INFO: found 128 files in series
> INFO: loading series header info.
> INFO: sorting.
> RunNo = 27
> INFO: (256 256 128), nframes = 1, ismosaic=0
> FileName 
> /autofs/space/troy_002/users/fmridata/sm2c1_041118/3danat/dicom/028/33747925
> Identification
>          NumarisVer        syngo MR 2004V 4VB11D
>          ScannerModel      Avanto
>          PatientName       sm2c1
> Date and time
>          StudyDate         20041118
>          StudyTime         180537.015000
>          SeriesTime        190942.968000
>          AcqTime           190056.292500
> Acquisition parameters
>          PulseSeq          tfl3d1_ns
>          Protocol          T1_MPRAGE_sag
>          PhEncDir          ROW
>          EchoNo            0
>          FlipAngle         7
>          EchoTime          3.31
>          InversionTime     1000
>          RepetitionTime    2730
>          PhEncFOV          256
>          ReadoutFOV        256
> Image information
>          RunNo             27
>          SeriesNo          28
>          ImageNo           1
>          NImageRows        256
>          NImageCols        256
>          NFrames           1
>          SliceArraylSize   1
>          IsMosaic          0
>          ImgPos             71.7733 130.0894 131.5385
>          VolRes              1.0000   1.0000   1.3300
>          VolDim            256 256 128
>          Vc                  0.1238  -0.9687  -0.2150
>          Vr                 -0.0454   0.2110  -0.9764
>          Vs                 -0.9913  -0.1306   0.0178
>          VolCenter          -2.5670  21.9742 -19.4516
>          TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
> INFO: no Siemens slice order reversal detected (good!).
> 128 DICOM 3.0 files in list
> Found 128 DICOM Files
> WARNING: NumberOfFrames 0 != Found Count of slices 128.
> reading DICOM image...
> -------------------------------------------------
> DICOM meta-header
> file name 
> /autofs/space/troy_002/users/fmridata/sm2c1_041118/3danat/dicom/028/33747925
> Date and time
>          study date              20041118
>          study time              180537.015000
>          series time             190942.968000
>          acquisition time        190942.968000
> Identification
>          patient name            sm2c1
>          manufacturer            SIEMENS
> Dimensions
>          number of rows          256
>          number of columns       256
>          number of frames        128
>          pixel width             1
>          pixel height            1
>          slice thickness         1.33
>          field of view           256
>          image number            1 (might be not reliable)
>          transfer syntax UID     1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
> Acquisition parameters
>          echo time               3.31
>          repetition time         2730
>          inversion time          1000
>          echo number             0
>          flip angle              0.122173
>          bits allocated          16
> Spatial information
>          first image position    -71.7733 -130.089 131.539
>          last image position     95.662 -108.024 134.554
>          image orientation       -0.123794 0.968728 -0.215038 0.0453834 
> -0.210951 -0.976442
> -------------------------------------------------
> TR=2730.00, TE=3.31, TI=1000.00, flip angle=7.00
> i_ras = (0.123794, -0.968728, -0.215038)
> j_ras = (-0.0453834, 0.210951, -0.976442)
> k_ras = (-0.99127, -0.130637, 0.0178497)
> writing to 
> /space/troy/1/users/FREESURFER/SM2C1_autoreconall/mri/orig/002...
> Segmentation fault
> i saw a couple other problems on the list but nothing exactly like this. 
> thanks for the help.  margaret
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