Hi Doug,

spatialsmooth-sess failed on the second run (out of 6 runs) with the
output: ...
ERROR: failure writing /tmp/ipfsl_19705/fmc.img as volume type 16
mri_convert 005/fmc.bhdr /tmp/ipfsl_19705/fmc.img --out_type analyze4d
ERROR: mri_convert failed
ERROR: ipfsl failed

Two explanations come to mind:
A. Each number has a different number of TRs. Does the ntrs value in the
seq.info (inside bold dir) have to match the actual number of TRs in each
run? I here tried to smooth all runs in one step... obviously this is not
going to work if the ntrs value has to be correct. Should I process the
runs one at a time with -fsd NNN and adjust the seq.info ntrs value

B. The number of images was big = 666 / 1095 / 1741 per run (2 runs each
size). Did the scratch disk or mri_convert run out of memory?

*** Detailed problem report: ***

on machine ai

source /usr/local/freesurfer/nmr-dev-env
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /space/cognito/5/users/raij/subjects_mri


which mc-sess

spatialsmooth-sess -sf sessid -df sesspar -fwhm 6 -i fmc -o ifmcsm6
Tue Feb 28 18:50:28 EST 2006
RunList 004 005 006 009 010 011

Notice that I am using the building 120 "cognito" installation where:
/usr/local/feeesurfer = /space/cognito/24/opt/freesurfer/centos4.0



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