I craeted the average using make_average_surface.
An average/mri/T1 directory gets created, but nothing is in there. There is no 
T1 volume at all.
Is this because I'm using an older version of recon-all (v 1.104 2005/09/07)?
Could this also explain my trouble creating scatterplots?

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
National Neuroscience Facility
The University of Melbourne
Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
161 Barry St
Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469

-----Original Message-----
From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wed 4/12/2006 2:42 AM
To: Fornito, Alexander
Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Repeated-measures in mris_glm

How did you create the average subject? Is there a T1.mgz in the mri 
dir? If so,  you might have an old version of tksurfer that is looking 
for COR files instead of mgz.

Fornito, Alexander wrote:

>That did the trick, but I'm having trouble displaying the results.
>First issue is that I can't seem to load my average surface in tksurfer from 
>the command line.I get the following:
>tksurfer average rh inflated
>surfer: current subjects dir: /data/nelson/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_twins
>surfer: not in "scripts" dir ==> using cwd for session root
>surfer: session root data dir ($session) set to:
>surfer:     /data/nelson/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_twins
>ERROR: cound not stat 
>Does it exist?
>-1): could not open file
>zcat: /data/nelson/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_twins/average/mri/T1.mgz.gz: 
>No such file or directory
>-1): read error
>surfer: ### Could not find anatomical header information.
>What I do instead is load a subject's surface and then click load > Surface, 
>and select the average one. 
>When I load the sigt file as an overlay, what should I specify as the 
>registration matrix?
>Clicking "calculate identity matrix" seems to work, so I'm assuming this is ok?
>After doing this, I can visualize the SPM ok, but have trouble when I try to 
>obtain scatterplots for a gven vertex. tksurfer closes and I get the error 
>below.(I've tried specifying markers and colors in the FSGD but it doesn't 
>seem to make a difference)
>I'm using recon-all-nmr,v 1.104 2005/09/07.
> gdfReadHeader: reading 
> /data/nelson/work/alex/freesurfer/subjects_twins/stats/twin_qualcheck_fsgd.txt
>WARNING: Marker for class class_subj1 was invalid.
>WARNING: Color for class class_subj1 was invalid.
>WARNING: Marker for class class_subj2 was invalid.
>WARNING: Color for class class_subj2 was invalid.
>WARNING: Marker for class class_subj3 was invalid.
>WARNING: Color for class class_subj3 was invalid.
>WARNING: Marker for class class_subj4 was invalid.
>WARNING: Color for class class_subj4 was invalid.
>WARNING: Marker for class class_subj5 was invalid.
>WARNING: Color for class class_subj5 was invalid.
>surfer: dmin=0.8701, vno=132952, x=14.6850, y=-30.1178, z=47.7694
>% surfer: curv=0.000000, fs=0.000000
>% surfer: val=2.132707, val2=0.000000
>% surfer: amp=2.132707, angle=0.000000 deg (0.000000)
>Thanks again,
>Oh, I'm sorry. I see the problem now. When I said to create a class
>for each subject, I meant for each person, not for each FreeSurfer
>subject. So there should only be 5 classes, not 10.
>So do something like this:
>Class class_subj1
>Class class_subj2
>Class class_subj3
>Class class_subj4
>Class class_subj5
>Variables                      Time
>Input time1_subj1 class_subj1  -1
>Input time2_subj1 class_subj1  +1
>On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
>>I still get the same error message. Maybe I've coded the variable wrong?
>>gdfReadHeader: reading ./test_fsgd.txt
>>INFO: gd2mtx_method is doss
>>ERROR: Design Matrix: nrows (10) <= ncols (11)
>>Alex Fornito
>>M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
>>Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
>>National Neuroscience Facility
>>The University of Melbourne
>>Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
>>161 Barry St
>>Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
>>Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
>>Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Tue 4/11/2006 11:43 AM
>>To: Fornito, Alexander
>>Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>Subject: RE: [Freesurfer] Repeated-measures in mris_glm
>>Yes, mris_preproc is new with stable. In your FSGD file, try
>>specifying the title as a single string without spaces.
>>On Tue, 11 Apr 2006, Fornito, Alexander wrote:
>>>Hi Doug,
>>>Is mri_preproc a new addition to the stable version? I'm using 
>>>recon-all-nmr,v 1.104 2005/09/07 and can't seem to find it.
>>>I tried running the analysis through mris_glm as per option 1 as you 
>>>described, but came across a problem. Command, error, and my FSGD are below. 
>>>mris_glm --surfmeas thickness --hemi lh --trgsubj ../average --fsgd 
>>>./test_fsgd.txt doss --beta ./beta_doss_thickness-100_lh bfloat --var 
>>>./var_doss_thickness-100_lh.w paint --y ./y_doss_thickness-100_lh_000.bfloat 
>>>--nsmooth 100
>>>gdfReadHeader: reading ./test_fsgd.txt
>>>INFO: ignoring tag 1
>>>INFO: gd2mtx_method is doss
>>>ERROR: Design Matrix: nrows (10) <= ncols (11)
>>>My FSGD:
>>>GroupDescriptorFile 1
>>>Title Time 1 vs Time 2
>>>Class class_time1_subj1
>>>Class class_time1_subj2
>>>Class class_time1_subj3
>>>Class class_time1_subj4
>>>Class class_time1_subj5
>>>Class class_time2_subj1
>>>Class class_time2_subj2
>>>Class class_time2_subj3
>>>Class class_time2_subj4
>>>Class class_time2_subj5
>>>Variables                            Time
>>>Input time1_subj1 class_time1_subj1  -1
>>>Input time1_subj2 class_time1_subj2  -1
>>>Input time1_subj3 class_time1_subj3  -1
>>>Input time1_subj4 class_time1_subj4  -1
>>>Input time1_subj5 class_time1_subj5  -1
>>>Input time2_subj1 class_time2_subj1   1
>>>Input time2_subj2 class_time2_subj2   1
>>>Input time2_subj3 class_time2_subj3   1
>>>Input time2_subj4 class_time2_subj4   1
>>>Input time2_subj5 class_time2_subj5   1
>>>DefaultVariable Time
>>>Alex Fornito
>>>M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
>>>Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
>>>National Neuroscience Facility
>>>The University of Melbourne
>>>Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
>>>161 Barry St
>>>Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
>>>Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
>>>Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: Doug Greve [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>Sent: Tue 4/11/2006 9:31 AM
>>>To: Fornito, Alexander
>>>Cc: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>>>Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Repeated-measures in mris_glm
>>>There are two ways to do it:
>>>1. You can use DOSS, making each subject it's own class. Then create one
>>>"Variable". For a given input, set the variable to either +1 or -1
>>>depending upon whether it corresponds to  the first or second time
>>>point. Then create a contrast as [0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 1], where there are
>>>as many 0s as subjects. The last "1" will correspond to the Time Point
>>>2. Alternatively, if you are using mris_preproc, you can specify
>>>"--paired-diff", then just use a one-sample group mean test. See the
>>>--help. This may be easier, and will also allow you to add a between
>>>subject factor.
>>>Fornito, Alexander wrote:
>>>>I'd like to run a simple repeated-measures analysis tetsing for change in 
>>>>thickness measures between 2 time points. There is no between-subjects 
>>>>factor, only the effect of time. Do I just set up a standard DOSS FSGD 
>>>>file, or do I use a different format? The tutorial only covers 
>>>>between-subjects designs.
>>>>Alex Fornito
>>>>M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
>>>>Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
>>>>National Neuroscience Facility
>>>>The University of Melbourne
>>>>Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
>>>>161 Barry St
>>>>Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
>>>>Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
>>>>Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469
>>>>email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>Freesurfer mailing list

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358 
Fax: 617-726-7422

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