Dear fellow freesurfers,

using FreeSurfer 3.0.5 and 4.0.1, I can make fast_inorm.m (as called by inorm) die, with otherwise innocently looking inputs. The syndrom is that if my fist slice contains only one iunder voxel twf_under (see 3.0.5's line 88 of fast_inorm.m) is initialised as scalar (that is not an array), any subsequent try to store a n_timepoint long vector in twf_under just makes matlab choke. This same combination of input dimensionality is fixed for twf_over in the same code. Applying the same special casing of single voxels for iunder solves my problems for good.

Here is the meat of the change:

if(nthslice,1) > 0)
        twf_under(nthslice,:) = mean(y2(iunder,:));

with the following construct:

if(nunder(nthslice,1) > 1)
        twf_under(nthslice, 1) = mean(y2(iunder,:));
elseif (nunder(nthslice,1) == 1)
        twf_under(nthslice, 1) = y2(iunder,:);

Ahoi & thanks supplying powerful tools
Sebastian Moeller

Tel.: 04 21 - 2 18 - 78 38 oder 96 91
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AG Kreiter / FB 2
Institut fuer Hirnforschung III
Abteilung Theoretische Neurobiologie
Universitaet Bremen
Hochschulring 16a
Postfach 33 04 40
28359 Bremen

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