You should use:

Only three lines in license file
Pedro Paulo de M. Oliveira Junior
Diretor de Operações
Netfilter & SpeedComm Telecom
--- Novo Netfilter 3.0

2009/5/14 ozgun ozalay <>

> Hi;
> I'm Ozgun Ozalay, researcher at Ege University/Turkey. One of my friends
> recommended FreeSurfer's "mri_convert" program to convert my Siemens
> .IMA files to a more common format .nii.
> i've downloaded freesurfer from your wiki pages and made my registration
> too. i've recieved an e-mail with details of my license. Upon installing
> "freesurfer" to /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer i configured enviroment too
> as described in wiki with bash shell;
>          /export FREESURFER_HOME=/home/ozgun/freesurfer/
>          /source $FREESURFER_HOME/
>  I recieved no errors during this process.
>           /source /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer/
>          /-------- freesurfer-Linux-centos4_x86_64-stable-pub-v4.3.0
>          --------/
>          /Setting up environment for FreeSurfer/FS-FAST (and FSL)/
>          /FREESURFER_HOME /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer//
>          /FSFAST_HOME /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer//fsfast/
>          /FSF_OUTPUT_FORMAT nii/
>          /SUBJECTS_DIR /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer//subjects/
>          /MNI_DIR /home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer//mni/
>          /FSL_DIR /home/ozgun/AnV/FSL/fsl/
>  But when i try to execute "mri_convert" it says my license isn't ok.
>          /oz...@linux-dkvs:~/AnV/freesurfer/bin> ./mri_convert
>          /home/ozgun/AnV/orn.IMA/
>          //home/ozgun/orn.nii/
>          /./mri_convert /home/ozgun/AnV/orn.IMA /home/ozgun/orn.nii/
>          /$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2009/01/30 02:30:42 nicks Exp $/
>          /reading from /home/ozgun/AnV/orn.IMA.../
>  /--------------------------------------------------------------------------/
>          /ERROR: Invalid FreeSurfer license key found in license file/
>          //home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer/.license/
>          /If you are outside the NMR-Martinos Center,/
>          /go to to/
>          /get a valid license file (it's free)./
>          /If you are inside the NMR-Martinos Center,/
>          /make sure to source the standard environment./
>  /--------------------------------------------------------------------------/
> /
> /
>  I created ".license" file in my freesurfer home directory
> (/home/ozgun/AnV/freesurfer) and pasted 3 lines from your e-mail to this
> empty document and saved. Also attaching the .license file i've created.
> Did i do something wrong?
> By the way, i'm using OpenSuse 11.1 with kernel, KDE
> 4.1 as desktop enviroment.
> Thanks anyway ;)
> #---------------CUT HERE---------------
> 7235
>  *CZag.N9G9Ekc
> #---------------CUT HERE---------------
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