Hello all, I took the FS course last June at the OHBM in San Francisco, and am now playing with it to get to know it better. One of the slides on the talk about FSL-FS integration mentioned that the input data (from FEAT) for the reg-feat2anat command should have not been smoothed prior to registering to FS.

Considering that FEAT 1st level analysis has a default of 5mm spatial smoothing (and that's what I used on my data), it seems counterintuitive to need to run a 1st level analysis again so the output files are not spatially smoothed.

So my questions are: 1) having the example_func file spatially smoothed will necessarily hinder a proper registration to the FS anatomical?; 2) if so, should I re-run all my FEAT 1st level analysis without smoothing or is there any other way?

I know this is quite a beginners question, but I could not find the answers on the FS FAQ or the mailing list archives. I appreciate any light on this.


Estephan Moana, DDS
Graduate Student
Oral Biology PhD Program - Neurobiology track
School of Dentistry, UNC- Chapel Hill
2140 Old Dental Building, CB# 7455
Chapel Hill, NC 27599
Phone: (919) 966-5680  Fax: (919) 966-5339  Cell: (612) 702-3295
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