Hi Yuko, it will get the bvals and bvecs from a set of tables 
distributed with FS. But the dicom has to have some information in it 
that tells it which table to use. It looks like your dicom did not have 
this information (it is not in the info dump created from the dicom). So 
you'll have to create text files of the bval/bvecs. The expected format 
is given in the help. You'll have to ask someone who knows about your 
sequences as to what the actual values you should use.

On 12/9/11 10:09 PM, Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
> Hi Doug,
> Thank you for your reply.
>> If so, then it cannot extract the bvecs and bvals. If you supply them in a 
>> file on the command line
> I don't quite understand how --b works with dt_recon.
> I did:
> dt_recon --i 
> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/raw/AGY11ADTI/DTIs/IM-0011-0001.dcm --s 
> AGY11 --o /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
> and it stopped after creating dwi.nii and dwi-ec.nii.
> I thought dt_recon is the command to compute bvals and bvecs. How do I supply 
> bvecs and bvals on the command line?
> Yuko
> On Dec 10, 2011, at 2:24 AM, Douglas N Greve wrote:
>> Hi Yuko, your dicom file might be from a different versioned scanner than 
>> dt_recon is used to seeing. If so, then it cannot extract the bvecs and 
>> bvals. If you supply them in a file on the command line, it should run 
>> properly.
>> doug
>> Yuko Yotsumoto wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I'm having a problem with dt_recon on data scanned by Siemens TrioTim.
>>> I'm using v4.5.0, with Mac OS 10.6.8.
>>> dt_recon ran for a while, and stopped with an error "ERROR: cannot extract 
>>> sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8] from 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat"
>>> I found the same errors reported to this mailing list, but found no 
>>> solution.
>>> https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/pipermail//freesurfer/2011-August/019755.html
>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/msg07935.html
>>> In YDTI/YD11A/ folder, I have the following files
>>> dt_recon.log
>>> dwi-ec.ecclog
>>> dwi-ec.nii
>>> dwi-infodump.dat
>>> dwi.nii
>>> mri_glmfit.log
>>> In dwi-infodump.dat, I see bunch of lines, but I don't see 
>>> "sWiPMemBlock.alFree".
>>> Please help!
>>> Thanks,
>>> Yuko Yotsumoto
>>> #@#-------------------------------
>>> Fitting Tensors
>>> Wed Dec  7 10:15:52 JST 2011
>>> cd /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/subjects
>>> mri_glmfit --y 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii --glmdir 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A --dti 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
>>> $Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2009/07/27 17:43:10 greve Exp $
>>> cwd /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/subjects
>>> cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii --glmdir 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A --dti 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat 
>>> sysname  Darwin
>>> hostname Yukos-iMac.local
>>> machine  i386
>>> user     yuko
>>> FixVertexAreaFlag = 1
>>> UseMaskWithSmoothing     1
>>> OneSampleGroupMean 0
>>> y    /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii
>>> logyflag 1
>>> X    /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
>>> usedti  1
>>> glmdir /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
>>> IllCondOK 0
>>> DoFFx 0
>>> Creating output directory 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A
>>> Loading y from 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-ec.nii
>>> Using DTI
>>> bValue = 700
>>> ERROR: cannot extract sWiPMemBlock.alFree[8] from 
>>> /Users/yuko/Documents/FreeSurfer/sessions/YDTI/YD11A/dwi-infodump.dat
>>> _______________________________________________
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>> -- 
>> Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
>> MGH-NMR Center
>> gr...@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
>> Phone Number: 617-724-2358 Fax: 617-726-7422
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