Can you run it outside of the pipeline to assure that it is not a 
pipeline issue?

On 03/18/2012 08:54 AM, Qingyang Li wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am new to the freesurfer world.
> I was running a pipeline where I met an error. Here is the command I 
> run and the error message:
>     Command:
>     mri_vol2surf --hemi lh --noreshape --o
> /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_sampler_lh/mapflow/_func_sampler_lh4/lh.rest_mc.mgz
>     --reg
> /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_bbreg/mapflow/_func_bbreg4/rest_mc_bbreg_sub.dat
>     --projfrac 0.500 --mov
> /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_volreg/mapflow/_func_volreg4/rest_mc.nii.gz
>     Standard output:
>     srcvol =
> /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_volreg/mapflow/_func_volreg4/rest_mc.nii.gz
>     srcreg =
> /working_dir/SurfaceRegistration/_subject_id_sub/func_bbreg/mapflow/_func_bbreg4/rest_mc_bbreg_sub.dat
>     srcregold = 0
>     srcwarp unspecified
>     surf = white
>     hemi = lh
>     ProjFrac = 0.5
>     thickness = thickness
>     reshape = 0
>     interp = nearest
>     float2int = round
>     GetProjMax = 0
>     INFO: float2int code = 0
>     INFO: changing type to float
>     Done loading volume
>     Reading surface /NKI_recon_subjects/sub/surf/lh.white
>     Done reading source surface
>     Reading thickness /NKI_recon_subjects/sub/surf/lh.thickness
>     Done
>     Mapping Source Volume onto Source Subject Surface
>      1 0.5 0.5 0.5
>     using old
>     Done mapping volume to surface
>     Standard error:
>     Segmentation fault
>     Return code: 139
>     Interface SampleToSurface failed to run.
> Thank you all in advance!
> Yang
> ------
> Qingyang Li
> Balance and focus.
> On Sun, Mar 18, 2012 at 8:28 AM, 
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MGH-NMR Center
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