Yes, that looks right to me

On 04/05/2012 11:50 AM, Irwin, William wrote:
> Thanks, Doug.
> I actually want lobar both GM and WM.
> So would this be the correct syntax to generate lobar GM and WM labels?
> mri_aparc2aseg --s<subject>   --labelwm --rip-unknown --ctxseg aparc+aseg.mgz 
> --annot lobe
> Yes, I started to do as you suggest with tkmedit using FreeView, but I 
> thought there might be a less manual way of doing this.
> Thanks,
> Wil
> |-----Original Message-----
> |From: Douglas N Greve []
> |Sent: Thursday, April 05, 2012 8:30 AM
> |To: Irwin, William
> |Cc:
> |Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] lobar WM volumes
> |
> |You don't need to do 2b if all you want are the lobar wm segmentations.
> |2b should just copy the cortical labels into the new seg.
> |
> |mri_segstats --seg mri/newseg.mgz --sum stats/newseg.stats --pv
> |mri/norm.mgz --empty --excludeid 0 --excl-ctxgmwm --supratent --
> |subcortgray --in mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm --in-intensity-units
> |MR --etiv --surf-wm-vol --surf-ctx-vol --totalgray --ctab newcolortable --
> |subject<subject>
> |
> |
> |You can load the newseg.mgz into tkmedit as both a segmentation (-seg) and
> |as the aux volume. When you click on a point, you can see the seg value
> |associated with the given label.
> |
> |doug
> |
> |
> |
> |On 04/04/2012 11:15 PM, Irwin, William wrote:
> |>  Hi Doug-
> |>
> |>  I wanted to follow up on this procedure and ask for a bit of 
> clarification. As
> |an extension from Ines' efforts, I believe one can produce a ' lobe+aseg.mgz'
> |lobar volume with both WM and GM for both RH and LH.
> |>
> |>  1:
> |>  mri_annotation2label --s<subject>    --hemi rh --lobesStrict lobe
> |>  mri_annotation2label --s<subject>    --hemi lh --lobesStrict lobe
> |>
> |>  2(a):
> |>  mri_aparc2aseg --s<subject>    --labelwm --annot lobe
> |>
> |>  2(b)
> |>  mri_aparc2aseg --s<subject>    --rip-unknown --ctxseg aparc+aseg.mgz --
> |annot lobe
> |>  I'm not sure if this the correct syntax to be analogous to that for WM in 
> 2(a).
> |>
> |>  What would be the correct syntax to combine 2(a) and 2(b) into one
> |command?
> |>
> |>  3:
> |>  Per your suggestion for syntax, this can be found in recon-all.log 
> following
> |that for wmparc (and I have identified that). There is similar syntax for
> |GM/ctx. I'm not sure if the following would need to be slightly modified for
> |my objective:
> |>
> |>  mri_segstats --seg mri/aseg.mgz --sum stats/aseg.stats --pv
> |>  mri/norm.mgz --empty --excludeid 0 --excl-ctxgmwm --supratent
> |>  --subcortgray --in mri/norm.mgz --in-intensity-name norm
> |>  --in-intensity-units MR --etiv --surf-wm-vol --surf-ctx-vol
> |>  --totalgray --ctab /usr/local/freesurfer/ASegStatsLUT.txt
> |>  --subject<subject>
> |>
> |>  But, before proceeding with the step 3, how can one determine the lobar
> |label numbers assigned such that a custom LUT can be created. The output of
> |the 2(b)  (if the syntax is correct) indicates that 8 entries are read 
> (Frontal,
> |Temporal, Parietal, Occipital for LH and RH?).
> |>
> |>  Thanks for your help.
> |>
> |>  -Wil
> |>
> |>  |-----Original Message-----
> |>  |From: Douglas N Greve []
> |>  |Sent: Monday, April 02, 2012 10:39 AM
> |>  |To:
> |>  |Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] lobar WM volumes
> |>  |
> |>  |use mri_segstats. You can look in subjid/scripts/recon-all.log for
> |>  |example command lines (look for the one with wmparc). The command
> |>  |will require a color table. The ones in the log file will use the
> |>  |default table,  but this  will not have the numbers/names of your
> |>  |lobar regions, so you'll need to create a new color table (or add to the 
> one
> |that is there).
> |>  |doug
> |>  |
> |>  |On 04/02/2012 12:58 PM, Inês Violante wrote:
> |>  |>   Dear all,
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   I need to obtain the white matter volume per lobe for a given
> |>  |>  numer of
> |>  |subjects.
> |>  |>   I started by using the following:
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   mri_annotation2label --subject<subjid>    --hemi rh --lobesStrict 
> lobe
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   mri_aparc2aseg --s<subjid>    --labelwm --annot lobe
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   and now I have a lobe+aseg.mgz file.  How can I create a stats
> |>  |>  file  containing the wm volume for each lobe?
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   Thank you,
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   ines
> |>  |>
> |>  |>   _______________________________________________
> |>  |>   Freesurfer mailing list
> |>  |>
> |>  |>
> |>  |>
> |>  |>
> |>  |
> |>  |--
> |>  |Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> |>  |MGH-NMR Center
> |>  |
> |>  |Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> |>  |Fax: 617-726-7422
> |>  |
> |>  |Bugs:
> |>  |FileDrop:
> |>  |
> |>
> |>
> |>
> |>
> |
> |--
> |Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
> |MGH-NMR Center
> |
> |Phone Number: 617-724-2358
> |Fax: 617-726-7422
> |
> |Bugs:
> |FileDrop:
> |
> |
> |
> |The information in this e-mail is intended only for the person to whom it is
> |addressed. If you believe this e-mail was sent to you in error and the e-mail
> |contains patient information, please contact the Partners Compliance
> |HelpLine at . If the e-mail was sent
> |to you in error but does not contain patient information, please contact the
> |sender and properly dispose of the e-mail.

Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422


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