Dear Surfers,

I have (non-fMRI) .w format surface overlays/labels, computed at the
smoothwm surface in each individual subject, in 25 subjects. FS5.1
recon-all has been run for all T1 images.

I already managed to convert all individual surface overlays into the
surface space of one of the subjects (or fsaverage) using mri_surf2surf,
and in the process also converted the format from .w to .mgh (as I
understand .w is pretty much legacy).

Now, I would just need to compute an average across these overlays. I
would greatly appreciate any suggestions which FS tools to use for this.
Thank you in advance!

(In case it matters, the overlays are E-field estimates, with a numerical
value given for each vertex point. Also each overlay has only one time



Tommi Raij, MD, PhD
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Bldg 149, 13th St
Charlestown, MA 02129
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